Landscape Design & Horticultural Consulting
Our Landscape Design & Horticultural Consulting services are aimed at achieving a strong effect which is feasible, cost effective and long lasting.
We take pride in being able to offer a very professional consultancy service:
- Staff who not only consult but who have hands on experience designing, planting, growing and maintaining plants and building landscapes.
- Our own unique commercial plant and supply database on Chinese horticulture which saves time and costs.
- Appreciation and understanding of plant design and working with plant designers and landscape architects.
- Experience in working on all types of projects in many parts of China.
- Analytical and process driven approach aimed at saving money for our clients and improving the long term effect.
- Honest and straight forward.
- 咨询的团队本身具备设计、植物,种植、养护和施工的丰富经验。
- 我们独家的植物来源数据库节省时间跟成本。
- 对植物的特性和设计原理有充分理解,有助景观设计师和植物设计师完美合作
- 在全国各地有多元的项目经验
- 透明的分析和阶段性的管理有助节省业主成本及提高长期效率
- 诚实公开的态度