Design 设计

We provide concept design, DD and WD design for our design / build projects as well as an independent service. 我们不仅为自己的设计施工的项目提供概念,扩初及施工图设计,也同时承接独立的设计项目.

School Projects 学校项目

Greenspace Ltd key focus is developing unique and practical landscapes for Schools in China. 我们致力于开发中国地区的特色实用的校区景观”

Space for Children 儿童游乐区

Integrating play, adventure, learning and sports 融合了玩耍,冒险,学习和运动各项功能

Design for Schools & Education


We have gained a lot of experience working on play and education landscapes. Designing well thought out, integrated, safe, challenging, fun, practical, maintainable, natural, sustainable, learning landscapes is not simple. The education market is rapidly developing in China and we are pleased to be taking lead in its outdoor experience.


Residencies & Private Landscapes 住宅&私家景观

Unique and tailor made gardens and landscapes. 独一无二的景观花园

Great Gardens 完美花园

Over 100+ private and residential landscapes completed to date – Design/Build. 目前为止已经完成了超过100个私人及住宅景观的设计施工。

Private Clients


Greenspace Ltd has been designing unique outdoor spaces for private clients in China for over 10 years. From urban roof gardens to sustainable eco gardens Greenspace builds a coherent understanding of our clients needs combining an imaginative but practical garden integrating the indoor and outdoor experiences.


Consulting 咨询

Consulting Greenspace Ltd is at the forefront of horticulture and natural water system consulting in China. 碧意轩的园艺及天然水系统咨询服务占据行业领先地位

Check out our HC services as well as China’s leading online industry based horticultural database – CHN. We also are very strong in natural water system consulting.


Landscape Project Management & QC


Our LPM Services help developers, architects and designers build and operate their landscapes more efficiently. We have teams of experience and active staff who can monitor and quickly respond to onsite situations helping balance Quality – Cost – Schedule – Effect issues. 我们的景观项目管理服务 帮助开发商,建筑设计师和景观设计师更高效的施工和运营他们的景观项目。我们拥有丰富经验的团队及优秀的员工可以监督和在最快时间反馈现场情况,更好的把控质量-成本-时间及效果。

Natural Water System Consulting


We consult, design and in some cases build natural water systems for our clients as part of a landscape design/build contract or as a stand alone service. We have unique experience design and building wetlands, natural swimming pools & ponds, lakes, canals and rivers. 我们在由我们负责设计施工的景观项目中建造了天然水体系统,也同时为客户的项目提供天然水体系统咨询服务。我们有独特的湿地,天然泳池,池塘,景观大湖,河道和河流的设计和施工经验。

The core of our design is based on a practically integrated space balancing natural elements and a well thought out program. Tying this all together is strong design project management.
