2008 - 2010 Private Residences in Jangsu on an island in the middle of the Yangtze. Interesting but difficult project. Landscape concept & dd by Greenspace Ltd, CD by others....
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Sheshan, Shanghai 2011 Large shanghai garden combining a golfable path, eating & lounging area and various micro environments. Landscape design and build by Greenspace Ltd 上海佘山 项目日期 2011 大型的私人花园融入高尔夫功能路径,饮食和休闲区并包括各种微环境 所有景观由碧意轩设计及施工
Shanghai garden 私人花园 2012 Plant consulting, Planting System & Maintenance by Greenspace. Landscape Architecture by DLC, Architecture by P&T, Interior by other. Duplex roof garden in downtown Shanghai. 植物咨询,种植系统&养护 DLC是本项目的景观设计,P&T为建筑设计方…